The functionality of this social network app simply consists of recording a short-duration video<\/strong>, and then adding a song on the background, so that it can be shared later, and it can be positively received by your followers via hearts.<\/p>\r\n\r\n You could also express your praise by doing the same method on the videos of the people that you follow and from recommended users, depending on your taste.<\/p>\r\n This is a free app that is available both on the Google application store and on the iPhone\u2019s Apple store.<\/p>\r\n\r\n But if you are reading here, it's almost for sure that you want answers for the following questions:<\/p>\r\n\r\n Why did TikTok ban my account? Why do you get suspended on Tiktok? What does temporarily suspended mean? How long is TikTok suspension? Is it permanent?<\/p>\r\n\r\n[toc]\r\n From the moment that we decide to become part of this social network application by creating an account for it, we will be asked to accept a series of essential conditions to use it. These conditions need to be accepted to be able to use this application.<\/p>\r\n\r\n To summarize, the applied conditions are there in an effort to give protection to the user, third parties that belong to the social network application, and TikTok itself, to avoid being involved in an act of human rights violation, damage to the service, or any other illegal act.<\/p>\r\n\r\n From the moment that you\u2019re creating your account, one of the first measured that need to be taken is the creation of a strong password<\/strong> for your user account, which is done to avoid becoming the target of hackers. Also, you\u2019re required to always keep your information updated, which will allow you to interact with customer support in case that a problem or failure arises.<\/p>\r\n This app asks you to follow certain rules to avoid your suspension. Taking them into consideration will be important in avoiding any type of misconduct.<\/p>\r\n\r\n Some of them are:<\/p>\r\n\r\n 1) You are not allowed to transfer, sell, redistribute<\/strong>, nor license any work nor service from the content presented on this application, be it in either a full or partial way.<\/p>\r\n\r\n 2) You are not allowed to use the platform for any commercial purpose, including anything regarding renting or buying property. None of these actions will result in your suspension if they are done with the formal consent of the platform.<\/p>\r\n\r\n 3) You are not allowed to use the platform to harass, abuse or intimidate other users, as well as encouraging acts of violence or any type of discrimination, that is, you are not allowed to discriminate based on race, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality or any other factor.<\/p>\r\n\r\n 4) Minors under the age of 13<\/strong> are not allowed to make a user account nor use any of TikTok\u2019s services, because, in order to accept the platform\u2019s terms of service, the users need to be able to understand these terms.<\/p>\r\n\r\n 5) The integration of other programs and their services on this platform is not allowed. Consequently, TikTok will be able to suspend one or all the accounts involved in these actions.<\/p>\r\n\r\n 6) Any action that hinders the platform from working properly, that directly goes against the terms of service or any of TikTok\u2019s third party services, or that prevents others from accessing the platform will result in an immediate suspension.<\/p>\r\n\r\n 7) Inserting scripts or any kind of bot that allows you to interact with the services and users of the platform to allow you to obtain information of your interest is not allowed.<\/p>\r\n\r\n 8) You are not allowed to remove the source code, mechanisms, techniques, algorithms or any other embedded plugins from the platform. This also bans you from making copies, adaptations, modifications, or from using any technique that may allow you to get information about how TikTok works.<\/p>\r\n\r\n 9) You are not allowed to use the identity of another person<\/strong>, entity or association, as well as sharing content created by them on this platform.<\/p>\r\n\r\n 10) \u00a0Using an account that wasn\u2019t made by you, that is, having access to an account that doesn\u2019t belong to you, just like in the case of using the services of another person or identity, is reason enough to suspend your account.<\/p>\r\n\r\n 11) You are not allowed to use the platform in such a way that it would result in a conflict of interest with the platform, putting this social network app at risk, resulting in users wanting to leave the platform. You are not allowed to make requests using TikTok\u2019s name either.<\/p>\r\n\r\n 12) Broadcasting, storing, distributing, giving someone else, or uploading any of the following is strictly forbidden:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n * Any kind of unauthorized publicity or advertisement<\/strong>, as well as the distribution of any kind of handout involving the request of services that may generate spam, pyramid schemes, unwanted emails, chain emails, sales, among other similar results.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n * It is forbidden to share, upload, distribute, or putting any kind of content infected with any kind of malware<\/strong>, trojan, logic bomb, worms, or any kind of malicious code within the platform.<\/p>\r\n\r\n * It is forbidden to share information, content, or material that is the intellectual property of someone else, that violates copyright law, privacy, or that goes against the registered trademark of a person or entity.<\/p>\r\n\r\n * Sharing pornographic material or any kind of content that may be considered obscene, offensive, that may provoke conflicts, that may involve slander, or that may be considered a violation against the rights of any other user.<\/p>\r\n\r\n * It is forbidden to give out private information from other users, including addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, information included in any type of ID (such as a passport number, ID number, social security number, among any other kind of information,) information regarding someone else\u2019s financial status, and information from any financial institute.<\/p>\r\n\r\n * It is forbidden to distribute content that may encourage others to commit any kind of crime, dangerous activity, that may teach others the steps to commit criminal acts, or that may encourage people to commit self-harm.<\/p>\r\n\r\n * It is forbidden to distribute material that contains any kind of threat, including either psychological or physical threats.<\/p>\r\n\r\n * Distributing any kind of content that contains information designed to cause damage to third parties, or that contains content to harass, scare, shame, intimidate, disturb, injure, or cause any type of damage.<\/p>\r\n\r\n * It is also forbidden the publication of content related to discrimination or racism, including anything that may prove to be encouraging or provoking the discrimination of people, be it for race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or any type of moral, social or ethnical circumstance.<\/p>\r\n\r\n * It is forbidden to post reviews, opinions, comments, or recommendations that aren\u2019t reviewed nor approved to become public.<\/p>\r\n\r\n * \u00a0You should refrain from posting content that, under the judgement of TikTok and its owner, Bytedance, is unacceptable, harms other users, or that may inflict any kind of harm to the third parties that belong to this social network app.<\/p>\r\n\r\n In all of the aforementioned cases, TikTok may review your account and, if it\u2019s involved in the infringement of one or more rules, this would result in the restriction, suspension, or deactivation of the services offered by TikTok in your account, be it with or without any previous warning.<\/p>\r\n The users that wish to be part of this social network app need to obey an essential rule in order to use TikTok\u2019s service, which states that users need to be respectful towards the content created by others on this app by not claiming the content published by others as their own. This would be a great violation against other people\u2019s intellectual property<\/strong>.<\/p>\r\n\r\n In any case, the best thing that you can do is avoiding using content created by other users. If TikTok finds out that you have committed this type of violation, its personnel will be able to suspend your account with or without warning. Meanwhile, Bytedance<\/a> will review if you repeatedly commit this type of violation, and they have the right to delete any accounts that have stolen the intellectual property of third parties.<\/p>\r\n We have previously spoken about the terms of use of TikTok, and how the best way to avoid sanctions that end up with your account being suspended is by knowing and obeying said terms of use.<\/p>\r\n\r\n During the process of customizing your profile, you need to avoid certain actions. One of the most frequent violations is using TikTok\u2019s logo or crown on your profile picture. You should also avoid using the following keywords: fan, crown, free feature.<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n You need to gain and keep the trust of other users and avoid uploading content that may offend certain people since your account may be in danger of being suspended if you get reported frequently.<\/p>\r\n\r\n TikTok has a system that is able to identify spam, so if you keep in mind the tips that we have given you, there is a high probability that said system on the platform ignores you, indicating that you are a good user.<\/p>\r\n \r\n What to do if your TikTok account is suspended?\u00a0If your TikTok account has been suspended<\/strong>, you will receive a notification afterwards with the following message: access has been suspended for this account<\/strong><\/em>. If this happens to you, we recommend you to carefully read the platform\u2019s terms of use and conditions to make sure that you have made an infringement that has resulted in the suspension of your account.<\/p>\r\n\r\n If you verify that you haven\u2019t done anything against the platform\u2019s rules nor against the third parties that belong to it, we recommend you to send an email to the following address: antispam@tiktok.com<\/a>. Here, you\u2019ll need to give the following information: username, an statement saying that you have perfectly followed all of the terms and conditions and add any other information relevant to the case. Request TikTok to review your case with the intention of removing your suspension.<\/p>\r\n\r\n After completing the previous procedure, TikTok\u2019s support team will manually review the case. If, indeed, you have not committed any infringement, your suspension will be removed, and you\u2019ll be able to use your account once again.<\/p>\r\n In case that the manual review finds out that you have indeed violated the terms and conditions of the platform or its related third parties, your account may be suspended permanently. If this happens, all of your diamonds, coins and gifts that had not been used nor spent will be lost permanently, without the possibility of being refunded.<\/p>\r\n\r\n So, you should always be wary of following the terms of use and conditions of the platform to avoid putting your account or rewards at risk.<\/p>\r\n \r\nSecurity on TikTok accounts<\/h2>\r\n
Why would a TikTok account get suspended?<\/h2>\r\n \r\n\r\n
About TikTok\u2019s intellectual property<\/h2>\r\n \r\n\r\n
Tips to avoid the suspension of a TikTok account<\/h2>\r\n
How can I get my TikTok account back after being banned?<\/h2>\r\n
Download TikTok<\/h2>\r\n[appbox appstore 835599320]\r\n\r\n[appbox googleplay com.zhiliaoapp.musically]","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Jota S.","url":"https:\/\/llamadaoculta.com\/en\/author\/admin\/","sameAs":["https:\/\/llamadaoculta.com"]},"articleSection":["applications","tricks"],"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","url":"https:\/\/llamadaoculta.com\/en\/","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":""},"sameAs":["https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/comollamarconnumerooculto","https:\/\/twitter.com\/LlamadaO","https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/@comollamarconnumerooculto3099"]}}